Deep Lung Support, Colds & Flu, Health Essentials | Community Health Stores

Deep Lung Support

Harker Herbals



Harker Herbal Deep Lung Support is useful in all cases of lung congestion to loosen mucus and assist the body with removing that mucus from the respiratory tract.

Deep Lung Support is a 100% natural tonic made from more than 20 powerful herbs and pure essential oils selected specifically for their medicinal and healing properties. The active ingredients selected for Deep Lung Support are added to a base of stabilising and mixed purpose herbs. Kumarahou is a key ingredient in Deep Lung Support, being a herb with a short flowering season found only in the far north of New Zealand. As well as being traditionally used by Maori for breathing related disorders, kumarahou is also known as a blood purifier.

Other key ingredients include elecampane, a naturally antiseptic herb that acts to loosen the mucus sticking to the lungs but also suppresses the urge to cough, so the body is coughing less frequently but more productively.

Deep Lung Support:

  • May help suppress night coughing and assist in restful sleep
  • Can be taken to relieve symptoms of chronic lung disorders (caused by smoking or pollution)
  • Is suitable for the very young or elderly to remove mucus in the lungs and provide relief for the bronchial and respiratory tract under stress, making breathing easier
  • Can be taken to relieve accute symptoms conditions caused by infection
  • Is taken as a liquid, being easier for the body to absorb than pills and tablets
SKU: MH041